

在过去的 30 年里,W.B 在The Groton School, Deerfield Academy, 和 The Hotchkiss School 等学校担任教师和招生官,并在哈佛大学执教赛艇。他非常重视学生成长,了解美国顶尖高中录取标准以及善于识别和培养学生的韧性、毅力等特质,帮助学生们圆梦理想学校。

W.B has spent the last 30 years of being a housemaster, teacher, and administrator at schools like The Groton School, Deerfield Academy, and The Hotchkiss School as well as coaching rowing at Harvard University. His work experience has given him a very good understanding of the admission standards of top high schools in the United States and recognize and cultivate students' qualities such as resilience and perseverance, and help students realize their dreams of the ideal school.